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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Senate Immigration Bill Passes, It's Not A Bananna

It sure isn't that, but it is a form of amnesty regardless of what McCain says. It allows illegals here longer then 5 years to go on probation for 11 years with the end result of gaining citizenship. For those that have been here illegally for more then 2 years but less then 5 they get to join the guest worker program. The bill has some token provisions for the illegals to meet before gaining citizenship. The bill sucks in my opinion. I'm hoping that the House will do something about this lackluster bill when it hits the floor. I'm not against immigration, I believe it's one of the best parts of America's history, but at the same time America is a republic built on laws. Any non-citizen breaking the laws of this country should be turned away and not allowed to get an easy pass to citizenship. They also do not deserve welfare or other public assistance (exception being in life or death instances).

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posted by David at 9:23 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (4) ::

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Heard This On XM This Morning

Institure for Policy Innovation

Why Are There so Many Ridiculous Warning Labels?

Dr. Merrill Matthews of the Institute for Policy Innovation says it’s the trial attorneys.

Lawsuits are out of control in the U.S., so lots of companies place ridiculous warning labels on their products, just to protect themselves.

A group called Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch tracks these labels and posts them on its website. For example:

A label on a baby stroller warns: “Remove child before folding.”

A 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow warns: “Not intended for highway use.”

A household iron cautions: “Never iron clothes while they are being worn.”

A flushable toilet brush says: “Do not use for personal hygiene.”

And a carpenter’s electric drill warns: “This product is not intended for use as a dental drill.”

Now, let me close with this warning: This commentary is not intended to defame any of those bloodsucking trial lawyers.

Good stuff.

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posted by David at 5:52 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

My Two Cents: Rep. William Jefferson

I believe the FBI had every right to raid his office. Congressmen and Senators should not be able to hid things in their office just because they believe they are above the law. I'm not saying the FBI should raid an office everyday (might be justified), but in a case like this with this much evidence, have at it, kick in the door and go through the drawers.

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posted by David at 5:44 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Student In Trouble For Posting On The Net After School

Chicago Sun-Times

A 17-year-old student who posted on his blog site that he was being bullied and threatened by the Plainfield School District will face an expulsion hearing this week, a local attorney said.

Superintendent John Harper, who cannot comment on student cases, said the district will take action if it believes there is a safety issue. Meanwhile a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union said school districts must be careful not to discipline students on matters that occur outside school. The student's attorney believes Plainfield School District is overstepping its boundaries.

"The district is going to take away the student's education for exercising his freedom of speech," said attorney Carl Buck. "I feel like they are trying to control his freedom of speech. ... He is saying, 'You can't bully people and we have a right to object and you can't throw people out of school for voicing their opinions.'"

On May 1, the student posted a letter to Plainfield School District on www.xanga.com , telling off the district, using vulgar words and saying he could put whatever he wanted on his site.

On a second post on May 2, without mentioning the school the student wrote: "I feel threatened by you, I cant even have a public Web page with out you bullying me and telling me what has to be removed. Where is this freedom of speech that this government is sworn to uphold? ... Did you ever stop to think this will start a community backlash? The kids at Columbine did what the did because they were bullied. ... In my opinion you are the real threat here. None of us ever put in our xanga's that they were going to kill or bring harm to any one. We voiced our opinions. You are the real threat here. you are depriving us of our right to learn. now stick that in your pipe and smoke it."

Sites like www.myspace.com and www.xanga.com are blocked from most school district computers. These sites are controversial because students often post too much information -- everything from addresses and phone numbers to provocative photos -- making them vulnerable to sexual predators.

"Our beef is it wasn't a threat. It wasn't at school," Buck said. "He doesn't name any individuals. What he is commenting on is their disciplinary action on the Freedom of Speech."

The student's mother said the district suspended her son for 10 days for inappropriate comments and vague threats. She thinks the school is overreacting. "I asked, 'If this is such a serious threat, did you call the FBI?' They said, 'No, we don't have time for this.' I asked, 'Did you call the Joliet police?' and they said, 'no.'"

In most cases, posting strong feelings and opinions on the Internet is not a crime, said Fred Hayes, deputy chief for Joliet Police Department. "Now, they can post it on a Web site. We are not seeing an explosion of new feelings or expressions from students. What you are seeing is the availability of technology to share that with quite a few people," Hayes said.

"It is not a crime to write things on the Internet – though we find them offensive, troubling and disheartening, it is not a crime," Hayes said.

Still, it's a very fine line. "If a student wrote, 'I'm so frustrated I wish the school would blow up' — that would not be a crime," Hayes explained. However, "if a student were to post on a Web site ... at 2 p.m. a bomb will go off in a school -- that would probably cross a line to a crime."

The above paragraph is right. I do believe that the school is over stepping it's bounds here.

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posted by David at 5:37 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (11) ::

Carrboro Wants To Let Illegals Vote!?!

I meant to post about this days ago and it slipped my mind.
NBC 17

Immigration is arguably the most controversial topic in American today.

Thousands of immigrants come to this country every year illegally. But some Carrboro town officials want to give those immigrants the right to vote.

"Immigration is a really positive thing," Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton told NBC17. "Lots of immigrants make a really positive impact on our community."

But, some say Chilton and Town Alderman John Herrera are going too far by proposing that non-citizens of the U.S. and the state be allowed to vote in local elections.

"We have tons of people who live in Carrboro from all over the world," Chilton said. "India, China, Mexico, Europe, Russia and they do a lot of work at all different kinds of levels."

However, the state constitution distinctly outlines the factors, which determine eligibility for voting: citizenship, age, residence and criminal record.

Sen. Ellie Kinnaird represents the voters of Orange and Person counties. She said the proposal is a non-issue because of how difficult it is to amend the state constitution and the controversial atmosphere surrounding immigration in the U.S. today.

Gayle Murrell, a Carrboro resident, doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

"If they are working and abiding by the law and they are paying taxes -- they are whether they want to or not -- so they should have some say."

Triangle resident Timothy Crowley isn't optimistic about the proposal.

"I think John (Herrera) has quite a challenge in front of him," Crowley said. "Why? Because most people don't believe that somebody who isn’t' a citizen should be allowed to vote.

Carrboro also passed a resolution last night banning local police officers from arresting illegal immigrants solely on the basis of their citizenship.

Last month, an officer pulled a man over for a traffic violation and arrested him when he found out he wasn't in the country legally.

Town leaders have said they believe such actions should be left up to immigration and customs enforcement.

Some people in Carrboro are really mixed up. Citizens vote. That's the way it is and that's how it should be. Of course it doesn't surprise me that this is coming from Carrboro neighbor to Chapel Hill. This is one of the state's most "progressive" areas.

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posted by David at 5:26 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

More About the SafeLight Changes


There's a new proposal to keep funds rolling to Wilmington's SafeLight program and the New Hanover County Board of Education.

Board vice-chairperson Jeannette Nichols says she's writing a letter to lawmakers asking to raise the fine for running a red light from $50 to $100. That would include giving more than 10 percent to local cities who operate the SafeLight program.

There are 15 safelight intersections throughout Wilmington. If a driver runs the light they get a ticket for $50. Right now that goes to keeping the program up and running, but a court's decision this week would give 90% of the funds to local school boards. It's a decision that could ruin the financing behind the SafeLight program.

"I'm delighted that were going to... I hope that we'll get the money because we desperately need it for the schools," Nichols said. "But I can understand the perspective of the city."

The law is the law and if the city can't follow it then how can they expect the citizens to follow the law (any law in general fits here). This was forewarned and yet no one listened. Politicians pushed for this amendment change and now they want it change again to suit them. Can you say bullcrap? I can.

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posted by David at 5:22 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

Scandal In Whiteville City Hall


An alleged adulterous affair inside Whiteville City Hall has rocked the small town.

One high-ranking city officialsaid it was like a slap in the face when he heard the news. The official said at least he had no idea an alleged affair was going on between the city manager and Whiteville's building inspector.

Now a lawsuit claims that Whiteville City Manager Susan Rhodes and building inspector Carey White had been having an affair since at least 2005.

The lawsuit being brought by White's wife against the city manager claims that while on city business in Raleigh the two went to a bar and then had sexual intercourse.

The affair allegedly began while the two were working on a Whiteville City recreation center together. During that time it claims that City Manager Rhodes had supervisory authority over White. It says she willfully, and maliciously pursued White to engage in an adulterous relationship.

Oh my.

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posted by David at 5:19 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Duke Ladies Show Support For Men's Lacrosse


In a show of solidarity with the Duke University men's lacrosse team, members of the school's women's team plan to wear sweatbands with the word "Innocent" written on them.

The university canceled the rest of the season for the highly ranked men's team because of a woman's complaint she was raped in March at a team party where she had been hired to strip.

The women's plan to wear sweatbands on their arms or legs was reported Wednesday by The Herald-Sun of Durham. The teams plays Northwestern in the NCAA semifinals Friday.

"We want to win a national championship for ourselves, but definitely also for the university and the men's team," junior Leigh Jester told the newspaper. "They don't really have a chance to play their season, which is a shame."

The women also invited former men's lacrosse coach Mike Pressler to speak to the team after a practice Tuesday. Pressler resigned last month amid the rape scandal.

Women's coach Kerstin Kimel told the newspaper that Pressler's message to her players included believing in themselves and looking at their season aside from the troubles faced by the men's team.

A university spokesman said Wednesday that the school had no objections to either the sweatbands or the invitation to Pressler.

"They don't clear those things with us ever," said John Burness, Duke's vice president for public affairs. "We're not sitting here looking over people's shoulders quite that much."

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posted by David at 5:12 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (4) ::

Charlotte Cracking Down On Illegals

I applaud this effort and hope it spreads.

The immigration issue has taken center stage, and Charlotte has taken the lead in North Carolina.

Mecklenburg County has federally deputized officers in the jail to speed up the deportation process of illegal immigrants. The Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Deparment is the first North Carolina agency to help federal agents crack down on illegal immigration.

"This is going to be extremely effective (to prevent undocumented) immigrants charged with things like minor traffic offenses slip through the cracks," said Mecklenburg County Sgt. Quinn Stansell.

With the new system, anyone brought to county jail will be cross tested with an immigration database and an FBI wanted list. If there's a match, deputies will be able to start the deportation process immediately without waiting on federal agents.

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posted by David at 5:10 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Budget Bill Passes NC Senate


The state Senate gave its final approval Thursday to an $18.8 billion budget for the coming year that phases out a pair of "temporary" taxes while offering healthy raises for state employees and teachers.

By a 34-14 vote, a handful of Republicans joined Democrats in sending the bill over to the House, which will create its own version. Leaders of the two chambers hope to negotiate a final adjustment to the second year of the two year budget before the new fiscal year begins July 1.

The Senate gave initial approval to its budget by a similar vote.

The plan increases the state's minimum wage by a dollar and caps the gasoline tax _ popular issues in an election year _ while improving neglected mental health and substance abuse services and the court system.

"I'm confident that this budget makes the right investments for our state," Sen. Linda Garrou, D-Forsyth, one of the chamber's chief budget writers, said before the Democratic-controlled Senate voted Wednesday.

Republicans said the budget, which adjusts the second year of the two-year spending plan approved last session, spends too much without returning enough to taxpayers who deserve a larger piece on an estimated $2 billion surplus. They are worried the budget could lead to another fiscal crisis like the one earlier this decade if the economy weakens.

"I don't think we can sustain spending at that level on an ongoing basis without a tax increase in the future," said Senate Republican Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham. "It's a down payment for a future fiscal crisis."

But other GOP members found it hard to vote against financial improvements to the court and mental health systems as well as reductions in the sales and income taxes.

"I voted for all the good in it instead of voting against the things I didn't like," Sen. Austin Allran, R-Catawba, one of the six Republicans who voted yes Wednesday.

The budget would begin to remove temporary taxes approved in 2001 to help cover a shortfall. The Legislature extended them in 2003 and 2005 because of a tepid revenue picture, and they're now set to expire by the end of 2007.

The proposal reduces the state sales tax by a quarter-penny as Gov. Mike Easley sought in his budget recommendation, allowing most citizens to now pay a sales tax of 6.75 percent. Senate Democrats also agreed to cut the individual income tax rate for the highest wage earners from 8.25 percent to 8 percent, a move they say would help 30,000 small business owners. Both changes would occur in January.

The proposal suggests cutting the sales tax by another quarter-penny and the income tax to 7.75 percent by the end of next year, but Republicans said it should've happened a long time ago.

"We have the largest surplus in this state history but we're still not taking all of those taxes off," said Sen. Fred Smith, R-Johnston. "We're not keeping our promise to our people."

Public school teachers would receive an average 8 percent raise, university workers and community college faculty 6 percent and other state employees a 5 percent salary increase.

Rank-and-file state workers who lobbied the General Assembly earlier Wednesday want both teachers and employees to receive a 7 percent raise.

The Senate budget also would raise the minimum wage to $6.15 in a move that would affect 139,000 workers in North Carolina. The state gasoline tax would be capped at its current rate of 29.9 cents a gallon.

The proposal would also set aside $105 million in new spending to improve community crisis services for the mentally ill, add more local psychiatrists and expand treatment centers for alcohol abusers and the developmentally disabled. The state also would borrow to build replacements for psychiatric hospitals in Goldsboro and Morganton.

Our state spends too much cash. We need to send people to Raliegh that understand this and who will fight to slow and maybe even reverse NC spending.

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posted by David at 5:06 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

Lay And Skilling Convicted

Chicago Tribune

The government crackdown on corporate crime scored a major victory today with the conviction of Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling on criminal charges stemming from their leading role in the Enron Corp. scandal.

The eight-woman, four-man jury found Lay guilty of all six fraud and conspiracy counts against him. They convicted Skilling of 19 counts, while acquitting him on the remaining nine. Lay also was convicted of bank fraud and making false statements in a separate trial.

The 64-year-old Lay and 52-year-old Skilling face lengthy prison terms, likely exceeding a decade, after a federal jury in Houston rejected their testimony from the witness stand. Sentencing is set for Sept. 11.

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posted by David at 5:02 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Child Left At Day Care

The News Reporter

The state’s Division of Child Development and the county’s Department of Social Services are investigating an incident Wednesday at a Whiteville day care where an 8-month-old child was left in the building as workers closed the business and went home.

Andrea Lewis, program manager for the state’s Child Abuse and Neglect Unit, said a representative of their office would visit Kid Kare Academy north of Whiteville to interview workers about the Wednesday incident.

Alice Standifer of Lake Waccamaw said she arrived at the day care shortly after 6 p.m. to get her son Hayden and the building was locked and there was no sign of any employee.
“I was worried that someone else had taken him, and I checked with my husband, but he didn’t get him,” the mother said.

Sheriff’s deputies were sent to the scene and a worker arrived about 6:30 p.m. and opened the day care and the child was found sleeping in a crib unharmed in the building, according to a deputy’s report.

“I thought I heard him crying inside, but I guess I heard some other children nearby. I was really upset,” Standifer stated.

Standifer said she is quitting her job to take care of her children. “I can’t trust anyone else with my children, and I’m having to quit a job I really love and I’ve had for four and a half years,” she stated.

The state’s Division of Child Development, charged with licensing day care facilities across the state, was notified Thursday. Program Manager Lewis said the investigation would be a joint effort with the county’s DSS.

A representative of Kid Kare Academy said they had no comment at this time.

If this happened to my kid the wife would have just about killed someone. This isn't good.

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posted by David at 4:54 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (3) ::

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

NC Senate's Budget Plans


he Senate's proposed $18.8 billion budget spends most of an estimated $2 billion surplus on state employee pay raises, tax cuts and boosts for programs shortchanged during leaner times this decade.

"One of the greatest things about this budget is it shows that North Carolina is recovering," Sen. Walter Dalton, D-Rutherford, one of the three chief budget-writers, said Tuesday. "North Carolina is coming back. We made some tough decisions in the last budget to put us in better shape this year to come to do some better things for North Carolina."

The bill would spend more than $700 million on average 8 percent pay raises for public school teachers, 6 percent raises for university workers and community college faculty and 5 percent raises for rank-and-file state employees. The university and community college employees also would get a one-time 2 percent bonus.

Faced with one its largest surpluses in decades, the Senate sets aside $105 million in new spending to improve community crisis services for the mentally ill, add more local psychiatrists and expand treatment centers for alcohol abusers and the developmentally disabled. The state also would borrow to build replacements for psychiatric hospitals in Goldsboro and Morganton.

A portion of the state's excise tax on alcohol would be dedicated to a trust fund designed to help move more mental health services from state institutions to local treatment centers. The alcohol tax would not go up.

The budget, which was approved Tuesday by the Senate Appropriations Committee, would begin to phase out "temporary" increases in sales and individual income taxes passed in 2001. Besides the quarter-penny reduction in the state sales tax Gov. Mike Easley sought, the Senate also wants to cut the top marginal individual income tax rate from 8.25 percent to 8 percent.

The Senate Finance Committee also intends to propose that the gasoline tax be capped at the current level of 29.9 cents per gallon, according to the office of Senate leader Marc Basnight, D-Dare.

The Senate budget also suggests a handful of policy changes, including raising the minimum wage by $1 per hour to $6.15, as well as repealing a requirement approved last year that requires all kindergartners to receive a comprehensive eye exam.

The Senate would set aside $4.8 million to hire 100 literacy coaches to help improve reading comprehension among middle-schoolers, a provision sought by Gov. Mike Easley in his budget.

But the Senate declined to honor Easley's request for $42 million for poor school districts, instead agreeing to restore $44.3 million in spending cuts for all local school districts ordered annually since 2003.

The proposal recommends hiring 90 new prosecutors, 16 District Court judges and 75 deputy court clerks to help a clogged court system that fell behind earlier this decade.

Other agencies that have seen flat or declining budgets saw increases this year thanks to the budget surplus.

"It helps when there's more money on the table," said Karen Ponder, president of the North Carolina Partnership for Children, which oversees the Smart Start child initiative. The Senate budget would increase its budget by $14 million, or about 7 percent.

The full Senate scheduled the first of two required votes on the budget for Wednesday. The House will pass its own budget. The two chambers hope to agree on a final spending plan before the current fiscal year ends June 30.

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posted by David at 7:19 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (3) ::

Rep. Myrick Won't Run For Governor

Rep. Sue Myrick made it know today that she wouldn't seek the governor seat in '08. If she changes her mind it will take one heck of an opponent to take my vote from her. She is in my opinion one of the best people in Raliegh. She is seeking her 7th term in Congress.

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posted by David at 7:18 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (3) ::

Wreck Leads Arrest of 15 Illegals


At least 15 undocumented workers are in custody after an early-morning raid in west Raleigh. The raid stems from a traffic accident that tied up traffic for hours on Interstate 40 during Monday's morning commute.

Work to add seating to the west end zone of Carter-Finley Stadium was halted as immigration and customs enforcement officers executed the raid Tuesday. The workers had been hired by the Miller and Long construction agency to renovate the stadium, in a $19 million upgrade financed by the Wolfpack Club.

Authorities discovered the illegal hot spot while tracking three undocumented people who were involved in an I-40 accident Monday morning. The accident left a minivan on its side and tied up traffic for hours in the eastbound lanes.

Although the driver, who authorities said caused the accident, fled the scene, troopers questioned the other three passengers. They did not have documents or identification to prove their citizenship and were released. The driver has not been located.

State Rep. Russell Capps said troopers should have not have allowed the undocumented men to leave the accident scene. He said he will use the incident as an example of how North Carolina law enforcement should be more involved in detaining and tracking illegal immigrants.

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posted by David at 7:14 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Monday, May 22, 2006

Flip Flop Master Is At It Again


Sen. John Kerry joined most of his Democratic colleagues last week in voting to build a wall along 370 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.

But he now says that after the wall is built it should be taken down as soon as possible.

You gotta give it to him for trying to make everyone happy.

"I voted for it," Kerry acknowledged Friday while speaking to the New England Council breakfast.

But in quotes picked up by the Boston Herald, the Massachusetts Democrat added: "If I were making the long-term decision, I’d announce, you know, hopefully it’s a temporary measure, and we can take it down as soon as we have enough people" to guard the border.

Kerry said beefing up the number of border patrol agents "should be America’s goal, absolutely and positively." He noted that he'd introduced an amendment to the Senate border bill that would add 3,000 new officers.

"But in the temporary," he said, "we’ve got to have a comprehensive approach everywhere," adding that, "in the short term, I think [the wall] can serve us well."

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posted by David at 3:21 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Illegals Entitled To Social Security?!?

Chicago Sun-Times

From the Washington Times: "The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment."

Well, I think that's the kind of moderate compromise "comprehensive immigration reform" package all Americans can support, don't you?

Some mean-spirited extremist House Republicans had proposed that illegal aliens should only receive 75 percent of the benefits to which they're illegally entitled for having broken the law.

On the other hand, President Bush had proposed that illegal aliens should also be able to collect Social Security benefits for any work they'd done in Mexico (assuming, for the purposes of argument, there is any work to be done in Mexico).

On the other other hand, Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) had added earmarks to the bill proposing that the family of Mohamed Atta should be entitled to receive survivor benefits plus an American Airlines pilot's pension based on past illegal employment flying jets over the northeast corridor on Tuesday mornings in late 2001.

Fortunately, the world's greatest deliberative body was able to agree on this sensible moderate compromise.

Meanwhile, from the Associated Press:

"Mexico warned Tuesday it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops detain migrants on the border."

On what basis? Posse Comitatus? It's unconstitutional to use the U.S. military against foreign nationals before they've had a chance to break into the country and become fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community?

Or is Mexico taking legal action on the broader grounds that in America it's now illegal to enforce the law? Which, given that Senate bill, is a not unreasonable supposition.

Whatever. Under the new "comprehensive immigration reform" bill (Posse Como Estas?), a posse of National Guardsmen will be stationed in the Arizona desert but only as Wal-Mart greeters to escort members of the Illegal-American community to the nearest Social Security office to register for benefits backdated to 1973.

Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain, in a quintessentially McCainiac contribution to the debate, angrily denied that the Senate legislation was an "amnesty." "Call it a banana if you want to," he told his fellow world's greatest deliberators. "To call the process that we require under this legislation amnesty frankly distorts the debate and it's an unfair interpretation of it."

He has a point. Technically, an "amnesty" only involves pardoning a person for a crime rather than, as this moderate compromise legislation does, pardoning him for a crime and also giving him a cash bonus for committing it. In fact, having skimmed my Webster's, I can't seem to find a word that does cover what the Senate is proposing, it having never previously occurred to any other society in the course of human history. Whether or not, as McCain says, we should call it a singular banana, it's certainly plural bananas.

The senator raises an interesting point. In Confucius' Analects, there's a moment when Zi-lu swings by and says, "Sir, the Prince of Wei is waiting for you to conduct his state affairs. What would you do first?" And Confucius say, "It must be the rectification of characters." By "characters," he doesn't mean lovable characters like Arlen Specter and Trent Lott, but "characters" in the Chinese-language sense -- i.e., words. Confucius means that, if the words you're using aren't correct, it becomes impossible to conduct public policy. If you're misusing language, your legislation will be false -- or, as Confucius puts it, your "tortures and penalties will not be just right." When the "torture and penalty" for breaking U.S. law over many years is that you get a big check from the U.S. government, that would seem to be an almost parodic confirmation of Confucius' point.

This is not an "immigration" issue. "Immigration" is when you go into a U.S. government office and there's a hundred people filling in paperwork to live in America, and there are a couple of Slovaks, couple of Bangladeshis, couple of New Zealanders, couple of Botswanans, couple of this, couple of that. Assimilation is not in doubt because, if you're a lonely Slovak in Des Moines, it's extremely difficult to stay unassimilated.

This is not an "illegal immigration" issue. That's when one of the Slovaks or Botswanans gets tired of waiting in line for 12 years and comes in anyway, and lives and works here and doesn't pay any taxes, so the money he earns gets sluiced around the neighborhood supermarket and gas station and topless bar and the rest of the local economy, instead of being given to Trent and Arlen and Co. to toss into the great sucking maw of the federal budget.

But a "worker class" drawn overwhelmingly from a neighboring jurisdiction with another language and ancient claims on your territory and whose people now send so much money back home in the form of "remittances" that it's Mexico's largest source of foreign income (bigger than oil or tourism) is not "immigration" at all, but a vast experiment in societal transformation. Indeed, given the international track record of bilingual societies and neighboring jurisdictions with territorial claims, it's not much of an experiment so much as a safe bet on political instability.

By some counts, up to 5 percent of the U.S. population is now "undocumented." Why? In part because American business is so over-regulated that there is a compelling economic logic to the employment of illegals. In essence, a chunk of the American economy has seceded from the Union. But, even if you succeeded in re-annexing it, a large-scale "guest worker" class entirely drawn from one particular demographic has been a recipe for disaster everywhere it's been tried. Fiji, for example, comprises native Fijians and ethnic Indians brought in as indentured workers by the British. If memory serves, currently 46.2 percent are native Fijians and 48.6 percent are Indo-Fijians. In 1987, the first Indian-majority government came to power. A month later, Col. Sitiveni Rabuka staged the first of his two coups.

Don't worry, I'm not predicting any coups just yet. But, even in relatively peaceful bicultural societies, politics becomes tribal: loyalists vs. nationalists in Northern Ireland, separatists vs. federalists in Quebec.

Sometimes the differences are huge -- as between, say, anything-goes pothead bisexual Dutch swingers and anti-gay anti-drugs anti-prostitution Muslim immigrants in the Netherlands. But sometimes the differences can be comparatively modest and still destabilizing. Pointing out that America has a young fast-growing Hispanic population and an aging non-Hispanic population, the Washington Post's Bob Samuelson wrote that "we face a future of unnecessarily heightened political and economic conflict."

The key words are "unnecessarily heightened." In Europe, the political class sowed the seeds of massive social upheaval for the most short-sighted of reasons. If America's political class wants to do the same, it could at least have the integrity to discuss the issue in honest terms.

Just who voted the Senate into office, us or Mexico?

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posted by David at 3:19 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

The UN Has Spoken

and they want the US to close the Guantanamo Bay prison and to stop housing terrorist in any secret prisons. Fat chance that'll happen.

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posted by David at 3:10 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Nagin Won Re-election!?!

How soon people forget that his lack of leadership made the Katrina aftermath worse then what it could have been. How can these people believe that he will lead them in the right direction next time?

Some stories make me proud of my countrymen and then others make me sad for my countrymen and then you get the stories that make me wonder what my countrymen are thinking.

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posted by David at 3:08 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

I Applaud the 2006 Graduating Class At Southern Kentucky High School


The senior class at a southern Kentucky high school gave their response Friday night to a federal judge's order banning prayer at commencement.

About 200 seniors stood during the principal's opening remarks and began reciting the Lord's Prayer, prompting a standing ovation from a standing-room only crowd at the Russell County High School gymnasium.

The thunderous applause drowned out the last part of the prayer.

The revival like atmosphere continued when senior Megan Chapman said in her opening remarks that God had guided her since childhood. Chapman was interrupted repeatedly by the cheering crowd as she urged her classmates to trust in God as they go through life.

The challenge made the graduation even better because it unified the senior class, Chapman said.

"It made the whole senior class come together as one and I think that's the best way to go out," said Chapman, who plans to attend the University of the Cumberlands with her twin sister Megan.

The graduation took place about 12 hours after a federal judge blocked the inclusion of prayer as part of Russell County High School's graduation ceremonies.

U.S. District Judge Joseph McKinley granted a temporary restraining order sought by a student who didn't want prayer to be part of the graduation exercises at the south-central Kentucky school, about 110 miles southeast of Louisville.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky filed suit on behalf of the unidentified student on Tuesday.

ACLU attorney Lili Lutgens said she was pleased with the judge's order and "very proud of my client for standing up for the Constitution." Lutgens said prayer would be unconstitutional because it would endorse a specific religion and religious views.

"He did not feel that he should have to sit through government-sponsored prayer just to receive his diploma," Lutgens said of the student.

The student, through his attorney, had previously appealed to Russell County High principal Darren Gossage to cancel the prayer, a request Lutgens said the principal denied.

Keith Ellis, an assistant principal at Russell County High School, said the school has a long tradition of prayer at graduation, something that will change with the judge's ruling.

"It will definitely change what we've done in the past," Ellis said.

Russell County School Superintendent Scott Pierce called himself a "person of faith" and said he was pleased with the response to the ruling by the senior class.

"This was a good learning process for them as far as how to handle things that come along in life," Pierce said. The response of the students showed an ability to be "critical thinkers."

"They exhibited what we've tried to accomplish in 12 years of education - they have the ability to make these compelling decisions on their own," Pierce said.

Chapman said the ceremony turned out better than it would have without the controversy.

"More glory went to God because of something like that than if I had just simply said a prayer like I was supposed to," Chapman said.

Before the graduation ceremony, some students said they weren't upset with the classmate that brought the legal challenge, just disappointed that there wouldn't be a sanctioned prayer during the ceremony.

"There's no hard feelings toward him whatsoever. That was his opinion and it was something that he felt," graduating senior Mandy Chapman said.

Gabe McNeil said during a rehearsal on Thursday, other students booed the student suspected of filing the challenge when he walked across the stage.

"They've been giving him crap," McNeil said.

A sign across the street from the high school at a garden center declared "We believe in prayer" in response to the judge's ruling.

"In our little town, we've always had that prayer at commencement," said Brenda Hadley, owner of Anna's Garden. "Why not? That's part of our everyday life."

Garden center employee Angela Dick put up the sign. Dick said student prayer has always been a way of life at commencements in the rural county that bumps up against Lake Cumberland, a popular recreation area.

"I'm disappointed in a judge who won't hold up the Christian values that our country was founded on," said Dick, who was wearing a gold cross on a chain around her neck.

I can't express the feeling I got when I read this story earlier today. I just want to say thank you to each and every one of these young men and women that stood up and did what they felt was right.

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posted by David at 3:04 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Mexico, Not Friendly To Outsiders


If Arnold Schwarzenegger had migrated to Mexico instead of the United States, he couldn't be a governor. If Argentina native Sergio Villanueva, firefighter hero of the Sept. 11 attacks, had moved to Tecate instead of New York, he wouldn't have been allowed on the force.

Even as Mexico presses the United States to grant unrestricted citizenship to millions of undocumented Mexican migrants, its officials at times calling U.S. policies "xenophobic," Mexico places daunting limitations on anyone born outside its territory.

In the United States, only two posts — the presidency and vice presidency — are reserved for the native born.

In Mexico, non-natives are banned from those and thousands of other jobs, even if they are legal, naturalized citizens.

Foreign-born Mexicans can't hold seats in either house of the congress. They're also banned from state legislatures, the Supreme Court and all governorships. Many states ban foreign-born Mexicans from spots on town councils. And Mexico's Constitution reserves almost all federal posts, and any position in the military and merchant marine, for "native-born Mexicans."

Recently the Mexican government has gone even further. Since at least 2003, it has encouraged cities to ban non-natives from such local jobs as firefighters, police and judges.

Mexico's Interior Department — which recommended the bans as part of "model" city statutes it distributed to local officials — could cite no basis for extending the bans to local posts.

Well isn't that nice. Mr. Fox wants us to allow his citizens to come into the US and give them jobs and welfare when he doesn't even allow immigrants to have common jobs even if they are there legally. This is double speak right?

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posted by David at 2:54 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

A Corrupt Democrat Congressman, To Be Sure Not

USA Today

A congressman under investigation for bribery was caught on videotape accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant whose conversations with the lawmaker also were recorded, according to a court document released Sunday. Agents later found the cash hidden in his freezer.

At one audiotaped meeting, Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., chuckles about writing in code to keep secret what the government contends was his corrupt role in getting his children a cut of a communications company's deal for work in Africa.

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posted by David at 2:49 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

We Now Have A National Language

Last Thursday the Senate by a vote of 63 to 34 decided that english is the USA's official language. I thought this was decided about 230 years ago myselft, oh well better late than never.

The Senate voted yesterday to make English the ''national language" of the United States, declaring that no one has a right to federal communications or services in a language other than English except for those already guaranteed by law.

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posted by David at 2:47 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Thanks House of Non-Reps

Seems that the Houses has decided that America doesn't need to drill for our own oil. This was led by Florida Rep. Adam Putnam and California Rep Lois Capps.
Chicago Tribune

The House rejected an attempt late Thursday to end a quarter-century ban on oil and natural gas drilling in 85 percent of the country's coastal waters despite arguments that the new supplies are needed to lower energy costs.

Lawmakers from Florida and California led the fight to maintain the long-standing drilling moratorium, contending that energy development as close as 3 miles from shore would jeopardize the tourism industry.

The moratorium bars oil and gas development in virtually all coastal waters outside the western Gulf of Mexico, where most of the country's offshore oil and gas wells are concentrated.

A measure offered by Reps. Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) and Lois Capps (D-Calif.) to keep the prohibition was OKd 217-203 and inserted into a $25.9 billion Interior Department spending bill.

Thanks for nothing guys.

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posted by David at 12:36 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Duke Lacrosse Rape Case: My Views So Far

At first I was simpathic towards the allegded victim, I can't stand anyone that comments rape. But in lieu of both DNA test results, the taxi driver's testimony, victims story changing, police officer's first response to victim, the way the accursed where identified, victims history, the way the DA is handling the case (wanting to wait till next spring, seems he wants the case to die down), the harassment of the taxi driver by police, and so on and so worth, I'm now supporting the accursed. It just seems that since the election Nifong is dragging his heels and trying to get the case out of the spotlight. Why? He claims to have all this evidence but doesn't want to go to trial till spring '07. This is a very strange case that just doesn't feel right to me. If the accursed did the crime then they deserve a harsh punishment, but if the alleged victim is lying then she deserves an equel punishment x 3 (once for each accursed) for ruining these guys for life. And I'm not letting Nifong of the hook either, if he is trying to make something out of nothing he too needs charges filed on him.

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posted by David at 5:31 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Mexico Warns US Of Possible Suit

Yahoo! News

Mexico warned Tuesday it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops detain migrants on the border, and some officials said they fear the crackdown will force illegal crossers into more perilous areas to avoid detection.

What a laugh. They are going to sue the US for protecting it's borders. These guys really love the money that's being sent south don't they? And if they are really concerned for their citizens then why don't they try and fix the troubles down in Mexico. If it wasn't such a bad place to live then they wouldn't be dying to get into the US, would they?

Sending the National Guard "will not stop the flow of migrants, to the contrary, it will probably go up," as people try to get into the U.S. with hopes of applying for a possible amnesty program, said Julieta Nunez Gonzalez, the Ciudad Juarez representative of Mexico's National Immigration Institute.

Looks like Mexico doesn't believe McCain when he says it's not amnesty.

Along the border in Nuevo Laredo, Carlos Gonzalez, a 23-year old from Mexico's southern state of Chiapas, was waiting for a chance to swim across the river into Texas. He said soldiers would not stop him getting to a construction job he had lined up in North Carolina.

Hopefully our legislature will hurry up and pass the tougher anti-illegal jobs bill.

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posted by David at 5:15 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Duke Lacroose Update

I missed this one when it first came out. It's about the DNA collected from the alleged victim, it turns out that it was her boyfriends.

The second round of DNA test results in the Duke University rape investigation show "no conclusive match'' to any lacrosse players, defense attorneys said, but a vaginal swab of the alleged rape victim produced DNA from a "single male source'' — a man not on the lacrosse team who did not attend a March 13 party that was the site of the alleged rape.

Defense attorney Joe Cheshire declined to identify the mystery man or his connection to the alleged victim, but ABC News' Law and Justice Unit has learned that the unnamed source of the DNA is the alleged victim's "boyfriend," according to her mother.

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posted by David at 4:56 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

City May Owe The Schools Millions


If an appeals court ruling holds up the City of Wilmington will have to pay millions to New Hanover County Schools.

The court says the schools should get 90 percent of the revenue raised by the City's red light cameras.

New Hanover County School Board member Steve Bilzi said, "As much as we feel for the City and we understand completely the situation, it kind of looks like it is what it is. That's been our argument all along. We didn't ask for it. We didn't do it. We're just the fortunate recipients of this, which is a rare treat."

City officials say they would pay the board about $2.8 million. They already have $1.7 million saved.

City officials are not sure right now what the court ruling means for the future of the safe-light program here.

Council members are expected to talk about the future of the system at their upcoming budget retreat.

This can't be a surprise for Wilmington. After this measure passed the 2004 election it was talked about how the city's stop light camera program apeared to violate the amendment with something like 75 % (I'm guessing here) going to the administrators of the program.

The amendment to the state constitution read like this on the ballot:

Constitutional amendment to provide that the General Assembly may place the clear proceeds of civil penalties, civil forfeitures, and civil fines collected by a State agency in a State fund to be used exclusively for maintaining free public schools.
This amendment applied to section 7 of Article IX of the North Carolina constitution. Which now reads as follows:
Sec. 7. County school fund; State fund for certain moneys.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, all moneys, stocks, bonds, and other property belonging to a county school fund, and the clear proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures and of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal laws of the State, shall belong to and remain in the several counties, and shall be faithfully appropriated and used exclusively for maintaining free public schools.

(b) The General Assembly may place in a State fund the clear proceeds of all civil penalties, forfeitures, and fines which are collected by State agencies and which belong to the public schools pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Moneys in such State fund shall be faithfully appropriated by the General Assembly, on a per pupil basis, to the counties, to be used exclusively for maintaining free public schools. (2003‑423, s.1.)
While the arguement was that the city not the state was levying the fines, in February 2005, a superior Court judge said that this amendment applied to money collected by High Point from it's red light carmera because it was collected for someone breaking the stat's penal laws. I voted against this amendment because I felt it was un-needed. Most of the money collected at the time was already going to the schools so why lock yourself into it with an amendment. I remember talking about this very subject on the Morning Line before the November general election and the possibility of Wilmington's camera system being affected. Of course because the amendment was "for the kids" it passed.

NC Constitution

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posted by David at 12:21 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

NC Senate Committee Agrees To Repeal "Black Eye" Mandate


A measure pushed by House Speaker Jim Black to require all children to undergo comprehensive eye exams should be repealed, a Senate health care committee decided Wednesday.

Black, D-Mecklenburg, helped add the eye requirement to the budget last year. It would keep children out of kindergarten unless they receive an in-depth examination conducted by a North Carolina optometrist or ophthalmologist within six months of starting school.

"Requiring children to undergo a comprehensive eye exam before they are allowed to enter school places an unnecessary, unfair and expensive burden on North Carolina families," said Sen. Julia Boseman, D-New Hanover, sponsor of the measure to repeal the law, which passed in an unanimous voice vote.

Fearing that some students would be barred from the classroom, 87 school boards sued the state to halt the program. In March, a Superior Court judge put off the requirement until July 2007 to give lawmakers time to address concerns.

Many have criticized Black, a Charlotte-area optometrist, for pandering to his supporters in the industry. The state appropriated $2 million a year to help poor families pay eye specialists for the exams.

Good move by this committee. This bill was a waste of paper that only added to the pocketbook of optometrist, like Black, while actually doing nothing for the kids that it was stated to help.

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posted by David at 11:24 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Senate Messing Up


President Bush's plan for a "comprehensive approach" to immigration, outlined in a primetime speech last night, took one step forward today as the Senate rejected a call to secure the nation's borders before addressing other immigration-related concerns.

"Comprehensive immigration" is junk. It won't work. To help with the illegal alien problem we first must secure the border the best that we can. That is a job for the federal government, heck that is it's job. So I say first a bill that only deals with the border must past both houses. Then a bill is needed to deal with people hiring illegals. After that then we can discuss the 12 million here now. Trying to crame it all into one "comprehensive" bill is just stupid and a waste of time.

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posted by David at 5:32 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::


Found this at Michelle Malkin

Via AP, which refuses to tell you the convicted murderer's citizenship status until the very end of the story--because the fact that he should have never been here apparently isn't relevant--and instead refers to him simply as a "handyman" in its whitewashed headline:
Handyman Gets Life in Suburban N.Y. Murder

A laborer who raped and murdered a suburban homemaker in her bedroom after being hired to clean a backyard deck was sentenced Monday to life in prison without the chance of parole.

The sentencing came on what would have been the 13th wedding anniversary of the victim, Mary Nagle, and her husband, Daniel.

Douglas Herrera Castellanos "beat, cut, raped, sodomized and strangled the greatest love of my life and the mother of my two children," Daniel Nagle told the judge at the hearing.

Nagle said he and his children had visited Mary Nagle's grave on Mother's Day. He told the judge his 7-year-old son, Chris, asked: "Will we ever be OK? Will we ever be normal? Will we learn to live with only the three of us?"

State Supreme Court Justice William Kelly sentenced Herrera to life without parole plus 124 years, saying he wanted to guarantee that Herrera "will never have the chance" to commit another crime.

The April 2005 slaying of the 42-year-old mother drew wide attention because the attacker allegedly used her cell phone afterward to brag about the crime to her relatives. Five women said they received calls from a man with a Spanish accent who spoke lewdly about what had happened to Mary Nagle.

Herrera, 30, a Guatemalan immigrant whose visa expired five years ago, had Mary Nagle's cell phone with him when he was arrested. He was convicted last month of rape and first-degree murder.

Herrera was working for a house-painting contractor and had been assigned to power-wash the Nagles' backyard deck. He testified that he had partied on beer and cocaine the night before and did not remember entering the house or killing the woman. However, he said, he did recall waking up next to her bloody body.

"I would do anything to change what happened," he said at his sentencing. "Forgive me."

"Forgive me."
Well, that's exactly what Bush and the bipartisan open-borders water-carriers in Washington would have done if this "undocumented worker" hadn't been caught. ..

See, not all people here are good hardworking people that just want to live the American dream.

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posted by David at 2:47 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Cheers to the Minnesota Senate

for passing an eminent domain reform bill.

The Minnesota Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill to curtail the power of government to seize private property.

Senators voted 56-to-9 in favor of changes to the process known as eminent domain. Supporters say it's been too easy in the past for cities and counties to seize property from its owners and turn it over to other private owners for redevelopment projects.

The main Senate sponsor says the legislative changes will "level the playing field" between governments and private owners. Some critics, though, are worried the changes will make it tough to get rid of urban blight.

The changes are popular with lawmakers, and the Senate vote will be followed soon by a House vote. Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn., also supports the changes.

Now if only we could do this in NC. Our eminent domain laws aren't as bad as some but there is some language in it that can change according to different people's views.

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posted by David at 1:21 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mothers Day

I'm a day early because tomorrow will be a blog free day at the Inman's house. Enjoy your day Mom.

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posted by David at 5:08 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Patrick Kennedy Was At Bar Says More Witnesses

Boston Herald

Capitol police in Washington, D.C., investigating U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy’s early-morning car wreck have been told by witnesses that the Rhode Island congressman was at a Capitol Hill bar before the crash, the Herald has learned.

A source close to the probe said witnesses have told detectives that Kennedy was at the Hawk & Dove before he slammed his Ford Mustang into a security barrier near the U.S. Capitol. The source added that cops are continuing to seek evidence to confirm that Kennedy was at the watering hole.

The Herald reported last week that a Hawk & Dove hostess said the 38-year-old pol is a frequent customer and was drinking in the bar before the May 4 crash. Kennedy has denied he was drinking, blaming the accident on a cocktail of prescription painkillers and sleeping pills. He has since checked into a Minnesota rehab.

A Kennedy spokeswoman declined comment. A Capitol police spokeswoman also refused comment, citing the ongoing probe.

The crash sparked a furor within the Capitol Police Department after angry patrol officers said higher-ranking cops blocked them from giving Kennedy a sobriety test. Police union head Lou Cannon said two watch commanders on duty the night of the crash have been transferred.

A police report on the 2:45 a.m. crash cited alcohol as a factor, describing Kennedy as slurring his speech, being “unsure” on his feet and having red and watery eyes.

Kennedy told cops he was on his way to a House vote, even though Congress had adjourned three hours earlier.

The source said detectives are still trying to track down a woman who Kennedy claims he was with before the crash.

So what if he was a bar before crashing his car into a barrier, he had to have something to wash down his meds.

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posted by David at 11:53 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (14) ::

Carolinas Getting Tough On Illegal Aliens


awmakers in both Carolinas are looking to make it harder for illegal immigrants to work on the taxpayers' dime.

Bills in both states join a slew of measures around the country that underscore legislators' frustration with federal inaction on immigration reform. Even some local governments, including Charlotte and Mecklenburg, are slowly wading into the complex and sensitive debate.

A bill introduced in the N.C. legislature Tuesday is modeled after a broad new Georgia law, considered the nation's toughest. The proposal from state Sen. Robert Pittenger, a Mecklenburg Republican, would mandate state agencies use a free federal program that checks immigration and Social Security records to verify employees' documents. Contractors on public projects also would have to certify workers have valid documents, such as Social Security cards, and are legally authorized to work.

The S.C. House overwhelmingly passed a similar measure, now under consideration in a Senate committee.

Sounds like a good start. But how about deporting any illegal caught breaking the law, such as all the illegals caught in NC driving drunk. And then upping the fines for private business owners that hire illegals. And let's not forget to cut off public assitance to illegals, except in a life or death situation. These types of actions may slow the inward flow of illegal aliens, but what is really needed is a lockdown of the border. If the flow of illegals is slowed and then you make it hard for these people to get and keep jobs and deny them welfare you may even see a migration south.

The rest of the story can be found in the extended section below.

S.C. Rep. Harry Cato, R-Greenville, a sponsor of the House bill, said he and other legislators are hopeful a final bill can be passed before the session ends June 1.

Cato said the impetus for the House bill came from an Observer series last month that found contractors had used illegal workers to build N.C. highways. The workers had Social Security numbers that were fake, stolen or belonged to dead people.

"We really need to, on publicly funded projects, make sure everybody is legal," he said. "It only makes sense that government should set the standard and say we're going to make sure our workers are legal."

The bill also is intended to send federal legislators a message that "we're going to do what we can, but you all really need to address this," Cato said.

Frustration with a broken system is widespread and understandable, said Michele Waslin, director of immigration policy research for the National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Latino advocacy group.

But states can't solve a national problem piecemeal. Immigration is a federal issue, and Congress needs to act, in part to provide illegal immigrants already here with a path to citizenship, she said.

"You can't put in employment verification on top of 12 million undocumented immigrants, and you certainly can't deport that huge sector of our work force without providing channels to replace it with legal workers," Waslin said.

Through April, lawmakers in 43 states introduced 461 immigration-related bills, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Concerns range from rising costs for immigrants in schools, hospitals and prisons to undocumented workers on public payrolls. Recent high-profile worksite immigration raids upped the stakes for employers, as bosses face criminal charges.

Charlotte rethinks policies

Charlotte city officials are re-examining hiring practices, including background-check policies, said Cheryl Brown, the city's deputy director of human resources.The city, with nearly 6,000 employees, complies with federal law that requires employers to get identification, such as a Social Security card, from every new hire -- immigrant or not. But the law doesn't require employers to verify the documents are valid, a loophole blamed for allowing many of the nation's estimated 7 million illegal workers to get jobs. Many fake documents are hard to spot.

Documents are visually inspected by individual city agencies when hiring and again in Brown's office, she said. Candidates for many jobs, including police, firefighters and anyone handling money, go through background checks. Brown's office also encourages agencies to run checks when hiring for all positions, but there is no formal written requirement to do so. There's talk of making that change, she said.

The city also is considering using Basic Pilot, a free program run by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that checks documents against Social Security and immigration records.

"As late as last week, we were talking about that," Brown said Wednesday.

Mecklenburg County commissioner Bill James has said the county should verify that employees have valid Social Security numbers and require its contractors to do the same.

North Carolina considered Basic Pilot last month after the Observer raised the issue, but decided not to sign up.

The system is not foolproof. A name and Social Security number might be rejected as an invalid match because of a marital name change, a typo or other innocent problem. A person using someone's full identity -- including name, number and date of birth -- might escape detection.

Employers also have complained about the added expense and time when using Basic.

The state chose not to use the system at this time, said Ben McLawhorn, the risk mitigation services manager in the N.C. State Controller's office.

The state visually inspects documents presented by new hires but doesn't require additional validation.

"If we want to do more, the taxpayer will have to pay more," said Thom Wright, the state personnel director. "It is a balance."

N.C.'s extra steps

The state has been taking an extra step that could detect illegal workers using fake papers.

The central payroll office, part of the controller's unit, uses a free Social Security Administration verification program to check all workers' numbers quarterly. In March, the program flagged 102 of the approximately 100,000 people paid through the office as having names that didn't match their numbers.

So far, 62 cases have been resolved, said agency spokesman Dennis Patterson. None of the mismatches were for workers registered with the state as foreigners, and the majority of problems were explained by typos, name changes or other simple errors, he said.

The state, concerned about meeting immigration law, trained all agencies on hiring practices and document inspection last year. The Department of Administration, which oversees much of the state's construction and purchasing, also decided to review documents for all workers, regardless of time on the job.

An audit of about 800 employees found one immigrant without proof she was legally authorized to work in the U.S.

The 51-year-old Hispanic woman had filled out the federally mandated I-9 form when she was hired in December 2002. But she didn't check one of the boxes indicating whether she was a citizen, a lawful permanent resident or an immigrant with temporary authority to work, said Valerie Ford, the agency's human resources director.

During the internal audit last fall, the office assistant said her work authorization had expired earlier in the year, Ford said. She had no application to renew or current documents, so she was let go.

"This was just another indication that we took some proactive steps and made corrections as needed," Ford said.

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posted by David at 11:30 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

Prisoners Have High Health Care Costs


Around 37,000 convicted criminals are serving time in North Carolina state prisons. The law put them there, and the law requires that taxpayers take care of their health care needs.

Some cases are extreme. For the first six months of this fiscal year, one inmate -- a suspected car thief with a severe mental illness -- cost the state $534,000 for treatment of self-injuries. Taxpayers spent $352,000 to treat a murderer for respiratory failure. A burglar's brain injury care cost $335,000, while a rapist racked up nearly $250,000 for treatment of cancer.

North Carolina Prisons Director Boyd Bennett knows that is a large figure for the law-abiding public to accept.

“I certainly understand that,” said Bennett. “I pay taxes too. My neighbors pay taxes. I hear that on a regular basis.”

Correction leaders believe it will take more taxpayer money to save money. Sitting on an estimated $2 billion budget surplus, Gov. Mike Easley wants to allocate $152 million to build a new hospital and mental health facility at Central Prison.

“We have to provide healthcare for our inmate population,” said Bennett. “If we don't have the facilities to do it, we have to go to facilities that can do it. And, obviously, we have to pay whatever they charge.”

This becomes a no-win perception issue for state prisons. The public will continue to complain about the high cost of mandated care for criminals. On the other hand, inmates who claim they don’t get adequate care constantly sue the state.

Four inmates with the most expensive healthcare needs this year have been released. Three others in the top 10 have died.

If the murderer and rapist had been executed, the state would have saved the taxpayers over $600,000. It's properly mean to say but a lot of these guys just deserve a couple of advil and a lollypop. On second thought it's not mean it's how I feel.

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posted by David at 9:42 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (3) ::

Duke Rape: DNA Of Male Found, Not From Accursed Players


A defense attorney in the Duke University lacrosse investigation said Friday that a second round of DNA test results shows a partial match to members of the team on one item, but no "conclusive match" between the accuser and any player.

Attorney Joseph Cheshire, who represents a team captain who has not been charged, said at an early evening press conference that secondary DNA testing showed genetic material from a "single male source" was found on a vaginal swab taken from the accuser. However, the material was linked to an unidentified male who, according to Durham Police, was not a lacrosse team member.

"In other words, it appears this woman had sex with a male," said Cheshire, who spoke at a news conference with other defense attorneys in the case. "It also appears with certainty it wasn't a Duke lacrosse player."

Cheshire also said that the partial match to Duke lacrosse team members was from a sample taken from a fake fingernail found in a trash can inside the home where the accuser alleges the rape took place during a party on March 13. But it was not the two men who have charged with rape, kidnapping and sexual assault in the case.

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posted by David at 9:31 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (7) ::

Friday, May 12, 2006

Senate Wants To Ban Poker Machines


North Carolina's senators want to get rid of video poker. Thursday they unanimously passed a bill banning the games state-wide.

Now the bill goes to the house where it has died four times before.

There are more than 10,000 video poker machines statewide -- 300 in New Hanover and nearly 100 more in Brunswick County.

Once again a local state senator says they've got to go.

Duplin County Sen. Charles Albertson is behind the move. He says there's just no reasonable way to regulate the games. He says they attract a criminal element.

The state's sheriffs agree. All 100 have signed petitions to see the machines banned.

Brunswick County Sheriff Ron Hewitt says just a few days ago an illegal Fayetteville video poker parlor was found with $1 million in cash. He says the games are a major money maker for organized crime.

Sheriff Hewitt said, "They claim that they're small mom and pop businesses. How many small mom and pop businesses can you get together and find $1 million cash on a given day?"

He says the state's sheriffs are once again pushing the legislature to ban the machines.

Similar attempts have failed in the state house the past four years.

Despite attacks from law enforcement some video gaming establishments say they're operating 100 percent legally and believe they should be left alone.

Most anything that you can make money with will attract criminals, including politics, so I have to disagree with this messure. If you catch someone breaking the law, bust them but don't limit law abidding citizens also. I think maybe they just don't want any competion against the lottery.

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posted by David at 3:44 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

DNA May Match Duke Lacrosse Player


Sources also confirmed with WRAL on Thursday that tissue found under a fake fingernail is a partial DNA match to a Duke lacrosse player who has not been charged in connection with the case.

The fingernail, found in a bathroom trash can, apparently belonged to the accuser, who told police that she clawed her attackers during the alleged struggle. The fingernail was taken from the house at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd., where the March 13 party was held.

Initial testing by the State Bureau of Investigation on 46 lacrosse athletes' DNA samples found no link between the dancer and the players. Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong sent various samples to a private lab for further testing.

Attorneys representing some of the players said they believe the latest preliminary results have no value to the rape case and that any player could have picked up the fingernail and thrown it away.

Nifong hopes to have a full report by Monday in time to take the case of the third player to a grand jury.

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posted by David at 3:36 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

House Passes Bill To Extend Tax Cuts

Sun TImes

The House Wednesday passed a bill sought by President Bush to deliver tax cuts worth $70 billion to investors and to keep 15 million taxpayers from being hit by the alternative minimum tax.

The House was expected to pass the measure, and did so by a 244-185 vote. The Senate should clear the bill today.

The bill provides a two-year extension of the reduced 15 percent tax rate for capital gains and dividends, currently set to expire at the end of 2008.

Way to go congress. Now if only they would make them permanent.

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posted by David at 3:31 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Your Government Looking Out For You


The U.S. Border Patrol has been tipping off Mexican authorities about the whereabouts of Minuteman civilian patrols that are seeking to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

According to documents on the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Web site, the Border Patrol is to notify the Mexican government about the location of Minuteman and other civilian border patrol groups when they participate in apprehending illegals crossing the border.

"Now we know why it seemed like Mexican officials knew where we were all the time," said Chris Simcox, founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

Nice, very nice. It's good to know that our tax dollars are put to good use defending our borders. Maybe we should give border agents a blue vest to wear and a pack of smilely sticks.

"Hi, welcome to America, want a sticker?"

"It's unbelievable that our own government agency is sending intelligence to another country. They are sending intelligence to a nation where corruption runs rampant, and that could be getting into the hands of criminal cartels.

"They just basically endangered the lives of American people." U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Mario Martinez confirmed the notification process, saying it is meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed, according to the Daily Bulletin in Ontario, Calif.

"(M)igrants' rights"? What is he talking about. These people are illeagally coming into the US, they are not migrants they are aliens breaking the laws of this land. NSA getting phone records isn't a scandal, this open betrayal of US citizens by our government is a scandal.

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posted by David at 3:29 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Bilingual Ballots Update

I posted a few days ago about some in Congress trying to end bilingual ballots. Well thier effort has failed.chron.com

What was to have been a simple renewal of the historic Voting Rights Act has become snarled in the heated debate involving immigration issues.

Conservative House members tried Wednesday to end a requirement in the 1965 law that bilingual ballots and interpreters be provided in states and counties where large numbers of citizens speak limited English.

The House Judiciary Committee rejected the effort.

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, said voting in English should pose no problem for any U.S. citizen.

"If you are born in America, you should know English," he said. "If you are a naturalized citizen, you should have passed an English proficiency test."

The committee voted 26-9 against amending the law, which ended racist practices such as poll taxes and literacy tests in Southern states, so that it no longer would require bilingual ballots and interpreters.

Later, the committee voted 33-1 to extend the law, due to expire next year, for 25 more years. Only Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who offered the amendment to strike the bilingual ballots, voted against it.

Sad day for citizens, good day for illegals that vote and the politicians they support.

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posted by David at 3:20 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Senate Leaders Agree On Amnesty

Washington Times

Senate leaders reached an agreement yesterday on immigration reform legislation that would strengthen border security but also would allow millions of illegal aliens who have been in the U.S. for two years or longer to apply for citizenship.
Derided by conservatives as "amnesty," the proposal could be amended but senators on both sides of the aisle say they doubt it will be dramatically altered.
"Senate Republicans are united in their commitment to an open and full debate on multiple amendments," said a statement from seven Republicans who represent the full spectrum of positions on immigration reform.
"We are willing to put differences aside so we can get on with the important work to be done securing our borders and grappling with the 12 million illegal immigrants currently living in our country," said the group that included Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.

No amnesty! Come in the legal way for stay away. Period.

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posted by David at 3:12 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

SC to have 3-month Gas Tax Moratorium


South Carolina has lost some of its lottery lure, but now could draw North Carolinians in another way -- an additional 17-cent-per-gallon break on gas.

S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford this week proposed a three-month moratorium on the gas tax for the summer. The state House approved it hours later, but moved the tax-free period to the winter so summertime tourists would pay their share. The Senate must approve a moratorium before it can start.

The driver of a vehicle with a 15-gallon tank would save $2.52 a fill-up without the S.C. tax. South Carolina's tax rate already is 13 cents a gallon less than North Carolina.

I fill up in SC sometimes now. I don't make a special trip but there are times when I'm in Tabor City or heading to Mrytle Beach and I'll ease up to a SC pump for a tank full.

Read more in the extended section below.

South Carolina could set a national precedent: No other state has come this close to approving such a long moratorium. Georgia suspended its gas tax for September after Hurricane Katrina disrupted supplies and a few other states have discussed moratoriums with little outcome.

In North Carolina, Gov. Mike Easley proposed capping the state's 29.9-cent-per-gallon tax in a budget submitted to lawmakers this week. The cap is expected to meet little opposition.

The talk about tax breaks comes when pump prices are poised to rise again.

Following national trends, average wholesale prices at the Charlotte storage terminal have risen 16 cents since Monday, according to industry tracker DTN FastRacks.

Charlotte-area station owners said Thursday that wholesale spike likely will send pump prices higher soon, a week after slumping wholesale prices signaled a drop.

"It's been like a roller coaster," said Robert Campau, head of Southeast region operations for Circle K, one of the area's dominant gas stations. "We're just holding our breath."

Charlotte-metro gas averages have fallen less than a nickel since peaking soon after Easter weekend, according to AAA data. Area drivers are paying $2.87 a gallon on average for regular gas -- 70 cents more than a year ago. Gas prices have spiked in recent weeks because traders have bid up crude-oil futures on fears the growing demand will shrink supplies.

The year's highest gas consumption came just last week, despite nearly a month of unusually high prices, according to the U.S. Energy Department. "Nothing is stopping demand right now," said Brian Milne, DTN's refined fuels editor.

With little slowing prices, Carolinas lawmakers said they want to help drivers by curbing taxes. Both states have surpluses that can cover shortfalls for road construction and maintenance paid by gas taxes.

Sanford would have preferred the S.C. moratorium run from Memorial Day through Labor Day when South Carolinians travel more, spokesman Joel Sawyer said. The House, however, voted to halt the 16.8-cent-per-gallon tax on Oct. 1.

"A lot of folks felt strongly that the tourists should pay their share," said state Rep. James Merrill, the House majority leader. The total expected tax savings dropped from $134 million to about $80 million with the shift to the winter.

Merrill said if gas prices drop sharply over the summer, he could see a move to put the winter-time moratorium on hold. Sanford would then ask lawmakers to use the savings elsewhere. "The bottom line is that South Carolinians deserve tax relief," Sawyer said.

State Senate leaders did not return calls Thursday. But in published reports, a couple of senators said they believe it was political pandering in an election year for the governor and House members.

Sen. Hugh Leatherman, the finance committee chairman, told The Associated Press he was not against the moratorium, but questioned whether stations would drop prices.

Michael Fields, executive director for a state trade group for convenience stores and distributors, said Thursday that he expects stations to lower prices in line with the tax because they have to follow competitors.

Georgia drivers saved an estimated 12 cents a gallon during its one-month moratorium, an economics professor wrote in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last year. That was a little less than the state gas-tax average of 15 cents per gallon.

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posted by David at 3:09 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (2) ::

NSA Has Your Phone Records

USA Today

A massive government database containing the phone records of tens of millions of Americans — reported by USA TODAY on Thursday — marks the modern intersection of two powerful emerging forces: terrorism and technology.

And the firestorm sparked by disclosure of the National Security Agency project mirrors a debate that dates to the nation's founding, and before, over balancing the interests of the government with the rights of individuals.

"It's an issue of our times — a huge issue," said Clayton Northouse, editor of Protecting What Matters: Technology, Security, and Liberty since 9/11, published last month.

I don't have a problem with this as long as it's not actual conversations they have. Just a list of who called who is not that big of a privacy threat in todays world. Plus, I'm sure that the Patriot Act has this covered. NSA has to have some way of connecting the dots from known terrorist to hidden ones and this may be (or may have been) a good method of doing that.

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posted by David at 3:04 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Troops on the Border?


The Pentagon is looking at ways the military can help provide more security along the U.S. southern border, defense officials said Thursday, once again drawing the nation's armed forces into a politically sensitive domestic role.

Paul McHale, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, asked officials this week to come up with options for the use of military resources and troops _ particularly the National Guard _ along the border with Mexico, according to defense officials familiar with the discussions. The officials, who requested anonymity because the matter has not been made public, said there are no details yet on a defense strategy.

That would be great. It might never happen, but at least it's getting talked about in the right places.

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posted by David at 2:58 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Harry Can Stay

Gwinnett Daily Post

In the past, Harry Potter has successfully outsmarted wizards, defeated giant serpents and escaped certain death. Now, without so much as a wave of his wand, it looks like he has also prevailed in his latest struggle.
The Gwinnett Board of Education ruled Thursday that the best-selling book series will not be removed from the shelves of school libraries. This is its final decision on the issue, which began with a book appeal by Laura Mallory, a Loganville mother with three children at J.C. Magill Elementary School.
The decision was the culmination of a process that began last November, when a school committee deliberated on removing the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."
Most recently, advocates and opponents of the series clashed at a public hearing held on April 20. While Mallory and several others argued that the books encourage witchcraft, casting spells and demonic activity, Harry Potter supporters said they promoted positive themes and encouraged kids to read books cover to cover.
"I want to protect children from evil, not fill their minds with it" Mallory said at the hearing. "The 'Harry Potter' books teach children and adults that witchcraft is OK for children."
School board members disagreed on the relative merits of the books, but the board voted unanimously that they should stay.
District 2 Representative Daniel Seckinger and Chairman Robert McClure said they had not made their decision because it was the popular one or because the books encouraged kids to read. Their main priority was whether the books were appropriate for students. They also said the fact that Mallory had not read the book series was not a consideration in their decision.
"It really is irrelevant if the person has read the whole book or not, if there is one section that is obscene" McClure said. "Our process does pre-suppose that one person could be right and a lot of other people could be wrong."
Board member Mary Kay Murphy, a former English teacher, said she thought the books were a great way of teaching children critical reading through the use of allegories, irony and parables.
"I support the value of the 'Harry Potter' books to develop children's imaginations and ability to read on several levels, including analogy. And I will support keeping the books in the schools' media centers" Murphy said.
Hearing officer Su Ellen Bray had strongly recommended to the board that the books not be removed, based on testimony gathered at the public hearing. Part of her reasoning was that the series was fantasy, not fact, and that most kids old enough to read the books would understand that.
The book appeal has attracted international attention to Gwinnett County schools, primarily through postings on blogs and online message boards. Bray wrote that removing the books based on Mallory's arguments "would open this very fine school system to ridicule by many of its citizens as well as citizens of the nation."
By allowing the books to remain, the school board followed its precedent of upholding the decisions made by school system committees. In the past two book appeals in 1997, the board agreed with the committees that books by R.L. Stein and Judy Blume should stay on shelves.

I'm glad to see the board do the right thing. Crushing someone else's freedom just because you are offended by something is wrong. Don't like it don't read, don't want your kids to read it, then tell them not to, maybe they'll listen.

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posted by David at 2:56 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

County Discount Card For Rx

The News Reporter

Columbus County has rolled out a free prescription discount card that any resident can use to save money at all pharmacies in the county.

The cards do not require participants to fill out forms or commit to a contract and may be used regardless of age, income and existing coverage.

“It’s mainly going to benefit the uninsured or the under-insured,” said Board of Commissioners Chairman Kip Godwin. “But anyone can use it.”

Offered by the mail-order pharmacy Caremark Rx, the program is sponsored by the National Association of Counties and offers an average discount of 20 percent on prescription medications.

Godwin said that residents who have prescription drug insurance policies could still benefit from the program. Drugs not covered by co-pays or insurance policies are often available at a discount, using the card.

Discount cards are available at all county departments and senior centers, libraries and Columbus Regional Healthcare System.

Caremark makes its money from a transaction fee charged to pharmacies and from splitting rebates from drug makers with pharmacies. Caremark also operates a mail-order pharmacy. In exchange for participating in the discount program, Columbus County has agreed to not actively promote another discount program for three years.

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posted by David at 2:37 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::

Columbus County Farmers Market Opens Tomorrow

The News Reporter

There’ll be fresh vegetables galore available beginning at 7 a.m. Saturday as the Columbus County Community Farmers Market officially begins its 7th year of offering locally grown fruits and vegetables to the public.

The market is located in Government Complex off U.S. 701 Business north of Whiteville and thus far has 14 area growers signed up to sell this summer. The market is open from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Some of the vendors have manned their sales stalls every year since the market began operations in downtown Whiteville.

Growers can sign up to sell at the market for the entire sales season or can rent their spaces by the day.

This is the second year that the market will operate in its new $125,000 sales shed, which has covered spaces for 20 vendors. The new building, with bathrooms, was built with grants from the Tobacco Settlement Fund.

Irving Brown of the Mt. Olive community is president of the market.

“We think were going to have a fairly good variety,” he said of the produce expected to be on hand for the opening day. In the past two Saturdays, a few growers have been using the sales space at the market and have reported brisk sales.

Items offered included mustard, turnips, potatoes, strawberries, beets, onions, garden peas, snow peas, jams and jellies, bamboo shoots, tomatoes and other greenhouse crops.

Members of the market recently held a clean-up day to prepare the building for the coming sales season.

“We’ve got it cleaned up and things are pretty much in shape for the season,” Brown said.

Stop by and support our local farmers.

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posted by David at 2:35 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Economist On Gas Taxes

According to Autopia, economist said that freezing and or reversing gas taxes would drive the cost of crude up. His resson being that he said cheaper gas will make people drive more. I have to disagree with him. I drive no less now with almost $3 gas as I did back when gas was $1. I'm sure that some people will drive a little more but not enough to cause a spike in crude demand. He said that the only thing that will help now is the letting up by government on the special summer blends of gas.

I called James Hamilton, professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego for his thoughts. Eliminating the gas tax is exactly what we shouldn't do, Hamilton says.

Why? Because the refineries and oil pumps are have limited resources that cannot be increased to meet demand. "We aren't going to be making any more gasoline," he says. Hamilton says if the gas tax were cut, consumers would consume more, and the demand would raise the price of crude oil even higher and further deplete the dwindling resource. Any temporary relief for consumers would start to erode.

Hamilton says no to any kind of rebate or cash-back plan. The only thing the government could do to help is to temporarily suspend the gas formulation rules so that less crude oil would be needed. Gas sold in some areas are during the summer have to specially formulated to reduce their emissions, and the scarcity of this special fuel is one of the factors driving up the cost now. If we use winter gas everywhere, less fuel is needed. Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell has asked the federal government for this type of waiver on special fuel for his state for this summer.

However, this will increase the emissions during the summer when people tend to drive more. which won't be good for people in smoggy urban areas.

I suggested raising the federal gas tax would be a good idea to discourage consumption, and if there were to be any "relief" granted to consumers over gas prices, I proposed simultaneously creating a tax credit for work travel.
BTW the writer suggested increasing taxes and creating new taxes to discourage driving.

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posted by David at 11:15 AM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Monday, May 08, 2006

Letter From Iran Is No Opening


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice dismissed a surprise letter that Iran's president sent to President Bush on Monday, saying it did not seriously address the standoff over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

In an interview with The Associated Press, the top U.S. diplomat said the letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was 17 or 18 pages long and covered history, philosophy and religion. It was not a diplomatic opening, she said.

"This letter isn't it. This letter is not the place that one would find an opening to engage on the nuclear issue or anything of the sort," Rice said. "It isn't addressing the issues that we're dealing with in a concrete way."

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posted by David at 10:03 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (0) ::

Professor Mike's Top 10 Racial Conspiracies


Over my last 13 years as a college professor, I’ve heard some pretty wild conspiracy theories attempting to blame various social ills on white people. After hearing a particularly strange one about Hurricane Katrina - from a 20-year old white girl, no less – I decided to publish my Top Ten.

Most of these quotes are paraphrased because they were not recorded soon enough after I heard them for exact duplication. But no subtle nuance in wording can alter the idiocy these paraphrases contain. And, sadly, 100% of them come from college professors and students at our so-called institutions of higher learning. I hope they entertain you as much as they entertained me - although something tells me they will irritate more than a few readers:

You can find the list in the extended section below.

10. “911 was a conspiracy planned between the Bush administration and the Jews. They wanted an excuse to attack Arabs and the ignorant public bought into it.” (from a now-deceased college professor).

9. “I don’t want any teacher who supports George W. Bush. If Bush is elected he’s planning – along with the rest of the Republicans - to bring back slavery. I don’t want to work picking cotton in the cotton fields like my ancestors.” (college student).

8. “It is a known fact that the Reagan administration invented crack to destroy the black community.” (college professor).

7. “The Reagan administration hired Jewish doctors to develop the AIDS virus to destroy Africa.” (college professor).

6. “The Mona Lisa was painted by an African artist and stolen from a museum in Ethiopia. Most of the great works of art are African in origin and stolen by white people. This is done to promote the myth of white cultural superiority.” (graduate student).

5. “The voting machines in Florida were built by white supremacists. They may well be able to distinguish between black and white voters. Who knows what they are capable of making those machines do?” (college professor).

4. “Newt Gingrich’s election as Speaker of the House, limiting affirmative action, limiting welfare, the Republican tax cuts, and the balanced budget are all part of the same idea. Everything the Republicans do or discuss is about racism. Everything is a well-orchestrated effort to keep the black man down.” (college professor).

3. “The ABC news doesn’t tell you. The CBS news doesn’t tell you. The NBC news doesn’t tell you. Even CNN doesn’t tell you. Nobody tells the truth that almost all serial killers are white. The news outlets all work together to make folks think that all killers are black.” (college professor and diversity director).

2. “The death penalty is a genocidal mechanism that seeks to control black people through extermination or, more importantly, the threat of extermination.” (college professor).

1. “It is a proven fact that U.S. Coast Guard ships – on orders from President Bush – were seen crashing into the New Orleans levees during Hurricane Katrina. Bush did it to kill black people living in government housing projects.” (college student).

If you haven’t been following the campus cultural wars lately, you might find it hard to believe that some of those quotes were actually uttered. But if you have worked or studied on a campus lately, chances are you’ve heard variations of several of them.

Since these crazy conspiracy theories have become more common in the age of diversity - that is, over the last fifteen years - I propose that we put them to good use. First, we should collect the wackiest conspiracy quotes and post them on the walls of the various diversity office bulletin boards – all with proper attributions, of course. (You can send your favorites to http://www.DrAdams.org).

Next, I propose that we rename all of the “African American” and “Diversity” programs on college campuses in honor of their help in promoting racial paranoia on the university (and American) landscape. From now on, we could call them “Woefully Hypocritical Initiatives for Never-Ending Racial Scapegoating.”

Or - if our universities ever decide that budgeting scarce resources is important – we could save time and ink by calling them WHINERS. One could hardly conspire to find a better name.

Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and is a regular columnist for Townhall.com.

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posted by David at 9:53 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1) ::