Friday, February 24, 2006

Dubai Update

I had this whole story typed up with links and quotes and comments and then...
Boom, Firefox crashed. So instead of the long article I had you're going to get this short one instead.

From what I've read and heard from various sources the port contract has been in the making for over 3 months yet most people of only heard of it within the last couple of weeks. I first heard about on the 15th of this month and posted about it on the 17th. But of course most news outlets where clogged with the Cheney hunting accident at that time. That's not a lot of time for people to swallow the concept that in March an Arab company owned by an Arab country was going to take over the operations of 6 major US seaports. The reaction generated by this news is understandable. People are afraid, rather they admit it or not, of extremist Islamic terrorist. And to hear that the Bush Administration which is already soft on protecting our northern and southern borders is going to give these 6 ports to the Arabs is shocking. The past couple of days I've been hearing of more people coming forward to support the deal but I can't make that choose until I get more information. The UAE of Dubai has said that they will put the deal on hold for a while to let people learn more and to calm down. Legistration to stop the deal has been threatened, followed by a promise to veto from Bush (I wonder if he even knows where the veto stamp is, it's not like he's had much use for it). New Jersey has sued to stop the lease deal. I also read where the Port Authority of NJ and New York had plans on doing likewise. If the administration had been more forthcoming months ago a lot of the outcries we have today may have been avoided. I'm starting to hear reasons here and there about why this is a good deal but I'm still weary of it and have yet to change my mind on it.

So in the mean time, I'm still looking for info and answers and will do so until I'm satisfied.

posted by David at 2:38 AM :: Permalink ::

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