Some Headlines
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posted by David at 4:45 PM :: Permalink :: Comments (1)

This is a blog on some of what I find interesting. Local, State (NC) and Nationial politics will be the main focus of this site, with a splash of sports, tech, computers, books, sci-fi, tv, movies and whatever else catches my eye.
Here's a site to see, Jim Black Must Go. “That this requirement happens to involve Black's business - eye care - only makes it more sordid, and makes the embattled speaker look even sleazier than the lottery scandal has made him appear.” |
The North Carolina General Assembly is corrupt. I know many don't want to admit it, but it truly is. Democrats have run this state using the "good old boy network" for the better part of a century. Republicans have NEVER controlled the state. Keep that in mind. Take it these eye exams fall under the so called public good clause. Just another justification for our high tax rate here in NC. And don't worry if the money isn't in the general fund to cover it, we can always rob the highway trust fund again. |
From Rick at PowerPundit James Earl Carter, Jr., the former President of The United States, never ceases to remind America that he presided over one of the most incompetent and ineffective administrations in America's history, and that it is most fortunate that his presidential tenure was limited to a single term. It's been past time for Carter to get out of the world spotlight. He is out of touch with reality and just doesn't see the big picture. |
Under eminent domain and court rulings favoring government over individuals, the Fifth Amendment allowance for government to take property for "public use" has been expanded to include takings for “public benefit,” “public purpose,” and most recently, “economic development.” North Carolina's Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit government from seizing property without just compensation, and worse, its laws allow government to take property if government officials can forecast that a property may become "blighted" at some future date. Research by the John Locke Foundation, North Carolina's leading think tank, proves that North Carolinians sorely need an amendment to the state Constitution to protect property rights — and shows how to write it. My suggestion to you is to go to The John Locke Foundation website and learn more on the subject then contact your state Reps. |
With a vote of 58 to 42, Alito becomes the 110th Supreme Court Justice. Here is what Nathan at Church and State had to say: The light is fading on liberals as the coffin lid is being nailed shut. They are watching as their chances of forcing socialism on America is flying out the window, and all they can do is watch…or scream and beat the coffin as Teddy tried. |
Mexico arrests four undocumented, U.S.-bound Iraqis THIS IS WHY WE NEED A TOUGH BORDER POLICY! Just because no links to terrorism have been found that doesn't mean they aren't there and that doesn't mean that the next group won't be terrorist. |
British school bans raising hands This is too funny. |
Marchers decry U.S. immigration policy, wall plan The US has laws. Those laws need to be inforced or else America is nothing but a name. The whole basis of a republic is the rule of law. If they want to come here and work there is a legal way for it to be done and that is how it should be. How things are in Europe and what European law is has nothing to do with US immigration laws/policy. If Mexicans don't want to die in the desert then don't attempt an illegal border crossing. Don't blame the US for the death of an illegal, he made the decision to cross the border and the full responsibility of his actions rest on his shoulders. |
Not content with simply protesting the war, they've trained their sights on all things military. In an apparent effort to rid the city of any semblance of its military history, various leftist groups, and even some city officials, are trying to erase the military's presence altogether. In short, San Francisco has declared itself a military-free zone. I have a t-shirt that says "Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups", I do believe that it should be the offical t-shirt of SF in pink of course. McQ had this to say: Cool. And if it passes I'd suggest another proposal. When the big earthquake comes, and it will, and San Francisco is a smoking heap of rubble, they shouldn't bother calling the National Guard or the US military. Both will be too busy helping people who appreciate having them around. I can't agree more. |
THOSE EXXON MOBILE PROFITS One of my first post was about Exxon's profits and how people and Congress saw this as bad. I then went off on a little economics lesson. It's good to see others do the same. |
Zawahri released a video critizing the US attack in Pakistan and Bush not taking Bin Laden up on his "truce". Come to think of it, Zawahri has a lot in common with the American left. He hates George Bush, so do they. He thinks the Bush administration has been a failure, so do they. Zawahri criticizes the war in Iraq and talks about soldiers coming home in body does the left. Come to think of it, I think Cindy Sheehan has a future. She could be a speechwriter for Al-Qaeda. |
He'll have the platform [...] and he'll say very little. I'm not expecting to hear anything other than "the state of the union is strong" and a few ideas for expanded government programs, some additional spending on this, that or the other thing, how we're going to continue working to make America safe and secure. New ideas? Don't look for them. An earnest attempt to reduce the size and the influence of the Imperial Federal Government of the United States in our lives? Don't hold your breath. A long article from Neal that sums up very clearly some of Bush's weaknesses. Once again I agree with Neal. You can read the whole thing on his site. |
Kerry's attempt at a filibuster of Alito failed today. Tomorrow the Senate will vote to accept Alito to the Supreme Court. The filibuster was done in when moderate dems decided that there was no good reason to filibuster Alito. The vote was something like 72 to 25 to give Alito the up or down vote. The vote will must likely be closer tomorrow, but Alito is a sure in. I hope Alito turns out a good justice. If he sticks to what he has said he should be ok, but people do change their beliefs. |
McPherson, Hinson to seek election Read it all in the extended section. Hinson asserted that there is a new force in county politics -- the grassroots group Columbus County Citizens for Better Government (CCCBG) -- and it will have a big impact on the election. |
North Carolina's lottery commission has chosen GTECH Holdings as the winner of contracts to run the state's numbers games this spring. |
Alaska lawmakers are eyeing legislation to loosen the limits on when people can justifiably kill attackers and to shield them from lawsuits if they do. I thought it was so good I posted the whole thing. I hope this carries. Our police and government need to be more concerned with victem rights and criminal rights. |
Quick run down: woman hot links to blog, blog owner changes image to porn. Here are the links to the blog in question and the reason in her words of what happened. |
MEXICO CITY — The U.S. Border Patrol arrested a Mexican immigration official who was allegedly trying to help a group of undocumented migrants sneak into the United States, the Mexican government said Sunday. Hopefully someone in Washington will get tough on our border issues with Mexico. The border has been in the news a lot lately and maybe people will start taking it serious. |
SAN DIEGO, California (AP) -- A Mexican citizen was arrested on drug charges in the investigation into the longest cross-border tunnel ever found along the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. officials said Monday. |
CAMBRIDGE, England (AP) -- A museum visitor shattered three Qing dynasty Chinese vases when he tripped on his shoelace, stumbled down a stairway and brought the vases crashing to the floor, officials said Monday. |
Over lunch I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, who has been playing an audio clip today Teddy Kennedy in the midst of a towering snit of rage over increased rates of asthma among American children. According to Senator Kennedy, more kids have asthma in this country thanks to air and water pollution. Which is something that may or may not be true, but what I found interesting was the way Kennedy wound down his tantrum, asking in a sincere and breathless tone just what Alito would do, as a Supreme Court Justice, to stem this asthma scourge. I agree with Rob 100% on this. It seems like almost no one in Washington these days understands the role of government as set forth in our Constitution. Maybe Mr. Kennedy would learn something if he would ever shut his mouth and listen. |
The Democrats' position was that Mr. Bush's rinky-dink nickel-and-dime allies didn't count: The president has "alienated almost everyone," said Jimmy Carter, "and now we have just a handful of little tiny countries supposedly helping us in Iraq." (That would be Britain, Australia, Poland, Japan . . .) Instead of those nobodies, John Kerry pledged that, under his leadership, "America will rejoin the community of nations"--by which he meant Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder, the Belgian guy . . . A fun and entertaining piece on the shifting politics of the world. It's well worth your time to read. |
WASHINGTON -- Sens. John McCain and Tom Coburn may force their colleagues to make an up-or-down public decision on proposals such as tucking $2 million for a public park in San Francisco into the nation's massive military spending bill. Last Dec. 20, this bit of pork was passed by Congress without debate and without a vote in the final version of the Defense Appropriations Act. I like the sound of that. Too much crap gets added in good bills. If I was in the Senate I'ld vote down a pork loaded bill in a heartbeat. This type of vote buying scams (that what pork is) is wrong and to hide it in a good bill that is needed is in my opinion unethical. The whole article is worth reading. And don't forget to pressure your Senator and Congressman to support anti-pork bills and rules of conduct. |
I heard that anti-war nut Cindy Sheehan threaten Dianne Feinstein if she didn't support Kerry's filibuster of Alito. The threat was that she would run against Feinstein for her Senate seat.
Judge Edward Cashman today agreed to increase a child molester's minimum prison sentence from 60 days to three years. I heard that he gave Hulett 3 to 10, but most 'experts' say he will only get 3 years in prison. Cashman gave a brief statement after making the change but will not answer questions about his thinking in this case. It's worth noting that this change is after Cashman stated he would not change his mind in this case nor the sentence given. Something changed and I'm glad for it. Three years is better then 60 days but I would have like to have seen the full extent of the the law used here and have Hulett in jail for 10 years. Related 1492 articles: The whole story is reprinted in the extended section. Judge Changes Child Molester's Sentence |
Highway Patrol: Accidents down in 2005 That's good news right there. Hopefully this will continue and 2005 won't be just a fluke. |
Commissioner Kipling Godwin stated yesterday that he won't be running again for the District 6 seat. |
Defence lawyers for Saddam Hussein Wednesday distributed copies of a lawsuit against President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair for destroying Iraq. I wonder what 2-bit yellow pages ambulance chasing lawyer he's going to use for this one. I bet some Senate Democrats would love to be defense witnesses. |
TWO MILLION. NOT BAD. Don't you know the english, economics and history professors are hating him today. |
... Authorities say it's the biggest drug bust in the history of southeastern North Carolina, getting $20,000,000 worth of cocaine off the streets. That's a lot of dope! Did you notice the names? They sound a bit Mexican to me. I wonder how they got it here across the border. You can read the whole story below in the extended section. Biggest drug bust in southeastern North Carolina history |
"We must learn the intentions of the enemies before they strike," Bush said. "That's what they do here. They work to protect us." It is illegal under the 1978 FISA law. "We've seen that part of the terrorist strategy is to place operatives inside of our country. They blend in with the civilian population. They get their orders from overseas and then they emerge to strike from within," he told reporters, after speaking behind closed doors to NSA employees and going on a tour of the agency. The FISA law provides for this. It gives the administration the right to start the surveillance as long as the courts are notified within 3 days. In Manhattan, Kan., on Monday, Bush brushed aside arguments by critics that he broke the law by authorizing domestic eavesdropping without a warrant, saying he was doing what Congress authorized him to do to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. His attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, repeated that argument in a speech Tuesday. What Congress did was coward down in the face a threat. If Congress had declared war, as is their Constitutional mandated job, with Afganistan and then Iraq, instead of this broad wide open do what you feel is needed crap a lot of this could be avoided. Don't get me wrong, I'm against terrorist and tyrants throughout the world but I also support and believe in the Constitution as set forth by the Framers and to the ideals that brought the Constitution into being. Remember the US is a Republic and for us to be the shining example of lawfullness and democracy in the world today we have to follow the law and make sure our government follows the law. The whole article can be read in the extended section. FORT MEADE, Md. -- President Bush paid an in-person visit to the ultra-secret National Security Agency on Wednesday to underscore the importance of his controversial order authorizing domestic surveillance without warrants in the terrorism era. |
N.C. Bank To Refuse Development Loans Involving Eminent Domain Way to go BB&T. I support you completly in this and I'm glad that you support the people of NC. |
Most Counties Choose Voting Machines Of Only Qualified Vendor |
For just over $7 million, Disney has bought Pixar. Kinda mixed feelings on this. Pixar does a lot of work for Disney, turning out some of the Disney's best animated movies of the last decade. I just hope that Disney doesn't screw up a good company. |
The vote was 10 to 8 right down party lines -didn't see that coming did you?-. Next up is the vote by the full Senate. Anyone want guess the outcome? |
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales encountered angry protesters at Georgetown Law School in Washington on Tuesday as he attempted to to diffuse criticism of the National Security Agency's domestic spying program. The university was one of the stops on Gonzales' circuit as he attempts to diffuse criticism of the National Security Agency's domestic spying program. The thing is that once it's been done once, it's easier for the next President to do the same or even something more extreme. Once a freedom is taken from us by the Federal government it's hard as hell to get it back. This was not what the Framers intended. And before someone uses the "living breathing constitution" bull, remember that's what England had and our Forefathers wanted nothing to do with it. The whole article is reprinted in the extended section. CNN) -- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had trouble tapping into a group of hooded protesters at Georgetown Law School in Washington on Tuesday. |
When political pandering goes awry, it calls you a name. On an emotional level, many blacks will hear Hillary's remark as follows: "I say Republicans run the House like a plantation because I am speaking to Negroes--the wretched of the earth, a slave people--who will surely know all about plantations." Is this a tin ear or a Freudian slip, blacks will wonder? Does she really see us as she projects us--as a people so backward that our support can be won with a simple plantation reference, and the implication that Republicans are racist? Quite possibly so, since no apology has been forthcoming. The whole article can be read in the extended section. Hillary's Plantation |
Now ... what could have saved these jobs and plants? Better management? Sure! It also would have helped if the UAW members had actually remembered that they worked for Ford and not for their union. It also would have helped a great deal if Ford had been more competitive in the global market .. a competitive edge that our tax system would not allow. Neal dives into the annoucement by Ford of a major layoff and plant closing in the US. As you can read above he names 3 causes to the closure. You can read the whole article in the extended section. WHAT COULD HAVE SAVED 30,000 JOBS? |
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore's second book about global warming will be published in April with the title "An Inconvenient Truth," his publisher Rodale Books said on Tuesday. I never bought into global warming. There is just too much conflicting information on the subject. Even some of the "expects" that claim it is a true event can't deny the evidence that shows that it is a non-event. I haven't read Gore's first book and don't forsee me reading this one or watching the film. Many scientists say global warming is melting glaciers, raising sea levels and will cause more intense storms, droughts and floods. Current levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere are higher now than at any time in the past 650,000 years, research from Antarctic ice cores shows I wonder why there is so much carbon dioxide in the air. It couldn't have anything to do with the world's population boom could it? However some have questioned whether climate change is the result of human activity and the United States has refused to sign the Kyoto protocol on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, claiming its mandatory cuts would threaten economic growth. Kyoto is a joke. The whole point is to weaken the US. In related news: |
Mexico's human rights agency says it will give out detailed maps of the Arizona desert, including rescue beacons and water stations, to guide migrants safely through the most popular and deadliest corridor into the United States. What a bunch of crap. If they came in the front door -legally- they wouldn't need a map with the rest stops marked. If someone wants to break the law then whatever happens to them is on them. Once they get here then what? "Activists" will then want the government to give these people money for food, free health care, education, so on and so forth. I have no problem with legal immigration. I know Mexicians that have set businesses in the area that do quite well. They are a boon for the local economy -I really love San Jose's shrimp casadia-. But illegal immigration is a drain on the local econmy and on the taxpayer's wallet. If you know me then you knew this was coming: The FairTax would help remove this drain on the taxpayer. When they buy food and clothes they would end up paying the same consumption tax to the federal government that you and I do. And if we could get NC to go with either no income taxes or a consumption tax they would end up paying NC the same as us also. Sounds 'fair' to me. You can read the whole story in the extended section. Activists to provide migrants Ariz. maps |
Howell Strickland, the fighting farmer from Fair Bluff who has taken an eminent domain case against Progress Energy to the state Supreme Court, announced last week that he would run for the Columbus County Board of Commissioners. “I want to see if I can make a difference and help the people in this county,” Strickland said. “I speak what’s on my mind. I might be outspoken a bit but at least people know where I stand.” Here is a link to the May 2004 article in the News Reporter explaining Mr. Strickland's trouble with Progress Energy. |